
The data of 500 million LinkedIn profiles is being sold online right now [Updated]

Update: LinkedIn has commented on the alleged scraping of content and concluded that is not what happened. The statement is reposted below.

Members trust LinkedIn with their data, and we accept activity to protect that trust. Nosotros have investigated an alleged set of LinkedIn data that has been posted for sale and accept determined that information technology is actually an aggregation of data from a number of websites and companies. It does include publicly viewable member profile data that appears to have been scraped from LinkedIn. This was not a LinkedIn data breach, and no private member account data from LinkedIn was included in what we've been able to review.

Any misuse of our members' data, such as scraping, violates LinkedIn terms of service. When anyone tries to accept member data and use it for purposes LinkedIn and our members haven't agreed to, we work to cease them and hold them answerable. - LinkedIn 4/ix/2021

As reported by CyberNews (via OnMSFT), 500 million profiles on LinkedIn have had their profiles scraped for information. Just that's not the worst of information technology. The worst function is that the data scraper responsible (if it is, in fact, a single actor) is at present selling that data, looking for a four-digit minimum price tag in commutation for the goods.

It'southward reported that the scraper is selling the info on a forum and is accepting effectually two dollars' worth of forum credit in substitution for a 2-million-profile sized sampling of the data. Pay two bucks, get two million accounts' info. It's a heck of a bargain if you want the benefits of LinkedIn without having to actually set up upwards an business relationship and be a social homo.

This isn't even the outset fourth dimension this week that then many individuals have been left exposed to the ne'er-do-wells of the internet. A few days agone, 533 million compromised Facebook accounts got their info blasted, though the data itself stemmed from a alienation dating all the mode dorsum to 2022. Still, old data or otherwise, no i likes their personal details going public without their consent.

Whether it be Facebook or Microsoft-owned LinkedIn, let this be a reminder that no data is ever truly safe on the web. For layers of protection, yous can try the best Windows x password managers or best Windows 10 password generators. Simply if you lot want truthful security, information technology's all-time to keep all central data offline and written on concrete sticky notes, locked in a prophylactic, then tossed to the bottom of the Scottish Sea.


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